JViewLegacy is base class which is used for Joomla View. It includes the methods that are used to display the data or present the data
JViewCategories, JViewCategory, JViewCategoryfeed
Methods: Some of the methods of JViewLegacy are as follows:
- __construct: It's the class constructor which is overridden in the other classes that extends JViewLegacy.
__construct(mixed $properties = null)
Properties can be an array, variable object etc.
- __toString: It is the magic method that is used to convert object to string.
addHelperPath: Add helper script path in LIFO order.
addHelperPath(mixed $path)
- addTemplatePath: Add view script paths in LIFO order.
addTemplatePath(mixed $path)
- assign: Assigning variables to view script.
- assignRef: Assigning variables by reference to view script.
assignRef(string $key, &$val)
$key is name of variable and &$val is the value.
def: It is used to assign default value if value is not assigned.
def(string $property, mixed $default = null)
- display: Used to display template script.
display(string $tpl = null)
For more please refer the following links:
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