Hello friends,
Today we will learn about the anonymous function in PHP. Anonymous function is a function without a name. In other words, a function that does not have a name is called anonymous function.
While defining a normal function in PHP syntax will be as follows:
function FunctionName() {
//function body
FunctionName is the name of the function which is used while calling the function. But the anonymous function syntax is as follows:
function() {
return "anonymous function";
As you are seeing in the above syntax there is no name. You can also pass parameter to anonymous function as follows:
function( $var1, $var2 ) {
return ( "$var1 and $var2 are the parameter" );
Anonymous function is like an expression.That's why it is ended with semicolon(;).
You can use anonymous function in following ways:
- Assigned to a variable:
You can assign the anonymous function to a variable and call the variable whenever required. For example:
<?php $callfunc = function($var) {
return $var;
print $callfunc('Assigned to a variable');
- Passed as a parameter:
Another way is to pass the anonymous function as a parameter to another function.
<?php $users = [
['name' => 'name1', 'age' => 2],
['name' => 'name2', 'age' => 4],
['name' => 'name3', 'age' => 8]
// Map function applying anonymous function
print_r($userName = array_map(function($user) {
return 'Hello '.$user['name'];
}, $users));
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