Welcome to Findnerd. We have discussed the anonymous function. Today we are going to discuss the anonymous class. Here is the same concept. It does not have no name.
It can extends the class and implement the interface to use these menthods and properties.Please have a look.
Class Student
protected $name = "deepak";
private id;
public marks = 343;
protected function getMarks(){
return $this->st_marks;
public function getData(){
return new class($this->id) extends Student
private $st_id;
public function __construct($id){
$this->st_id = $id;
public function getRecords()
return 'name:' . $this->name . '<br />' . 'student id:' . $this->getmarks() . '<br />' . 'marks=' . $this->st_id;
echo (new Student(34))->getData()->getRecords();
In above example we created a class Student which have two functions named getData and getMarks. We created anonymous class in getData method and passed the private
variable named id in it. Using this anonymous class we can use the properties and method of Student class and can make other function as well. We will call a
function of anonymous class with object of Student class.
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