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How to create ANE file for In app purchase for iOS
Hi Readers,
This is the video blog where you can find how you can create ANE file for In-App purchase for iOS framework. I have used MAC machine to create it.
Download ANE-In-App-purchase from GitHub.
Download Air SDK C...
Full Screen on Flex
Some time we need to apply the full screen in swf. The following code can be used for full screen.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
Singleton Class in flex
In object-oriented programming , a singleton class is a class that can have only one object (an instance of the class) at a time.
It's good when you only want one object across the whole of your application
It is usually used...
Loading 3d Model with Away3d
When working with Away3D youll eventually need to load a complex model.
The code for loading a 3D model into Away3D is fairly easy.
It is almost as simple as loading a plane, cube, or cone.
this code is about loading a 3d stadium.
1.Load ...
How to know the device capabilities using as3 using flex
Capabilites of a device can be known by using Capabilities class.
1.Capabilities class is used to determine in which environment swf is running.
2.By using Capabilities class we can know the resolution of the users system, language of the u...
SQLite with Flex
Hello Readers!
This blog is about how to use SQLite in Flex.
Before proceeding a brief introduction to SQLite.
SQLite is a relational database management system contained in a small C programming library,it is an embedded SQL database engin...