How to split a String
Below I have written a code to split a string.
by shahbaz.ahmmod -
Send Push Notification with Custom Data to iPhone device from Java Server Side
This blog will help you to send Push Notifications
by babita.dhami -
Tomcat and Eclipse Integration Error : “Unknown version of Tomcat was specified”
If you are adding Server in Eclipse for Tomcat, an
by chandan.ahluwalia -
Spring MVC and MongoDB
Repository Class Using MongoDB : Spring has th
by sumit.vyas -
How to create DLL file from java?
Hello Guy's This Blog will guide how to create D
by bhagwan.khichar
Stack in java
In stack, we save elements in last-in, first-out manner. Stack extends the Vector class and have only one constructor that is default. By this default constructor, we can create an empty stack.
Below is the example.
public class Exampl...
HashSet in Java
Here I am writing a way to implement Hashset. HashSet creates hashtable to store the data. As it implements Set interface so it doesnt contains duplicate elements. It also extends AbstractSet class.
We can implement HashSet by using different...
Enumeration Interface in Java
Enumeration is used to retrieve or traverse all the elements of particular collection of objects. Its not considered for collections but we can use it for legacy like Vectors. To use it we need to import - Java.util.Enumeration
Below is the ...
Iterator in Java
In collection, there would be many situations where we need to retrieve the collection elements. Example, we need to show each element. For these situations Iterator is the best solution.
How it implements :-
First iterator comes to start p...