Creating Horizontal Menu Bar Using Html and CSS
Hello readers, If you want to create a horizonta
by nitish.rawat -
Custom checkbox using jquery
Hello Reader ! Here is an example how to make
by mukul.kant -
How to make Sticky navigation
Hello Readers ! Below is an example of sticky n
by mukul.kant -
Smoke Font Animation
Hello Friends, The following codes below is an an
by kushal.kant -
How to Make A Simple DropDown in HTML With The Help of Jquery and CSS
You Can Use Below Code to Make A Simple Drop D
by indresh.kumar
Difference between Frame and IFrame
Frames are HTML tag which divides the browser's window into multiple parts where each part can load a separate HTML document.
<frame> tag specifies each frame within a frameset tag.
A collection of frames in the browser window...
How to use iframe to open a website in it
You can use a perticlualr custom window on your website to open another website, Iframe gives you this feature to do. You can see the example below :-
<iframe id="if1" width="100%" height="254" style="visibility:visible" src="http://www.fin...
How to make iframe responsive
Hello reader !
How to make responsive iframe. We all are face this problem normally so there is an example and i hope it will helps you.
CSS :-
.wrapper {
width: 50%;
.container {
height: 0;
width: 100%;