Android O Released with Top 7 New Features for App Developers
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nic
by sudhanshu.tripathi -
An Overview of Android Activity - Video Tutorial
As far as Android platform is concerned, the funda
by amit.rai -
How to get IMEI number,serial number and software version of your phone
Hello... Sometimes we need to know the country
by shahbaz.ahmmod -
Search location by using place on google map
Here below is the code for searching places by usi
by shahbaz.ahmmod -
How to know free space in sdcard android
I have written code to know free space in sdcard
by shahbaz.ahmmod
How to create fragment In android
In the below example I have created a simple fragment app code. Here, first I have created two new fragment xml layouts and neamed them fragmentone and fragmenttwo then in this I have added TextView and backgraund image. Now In activity_main.xml ...
How to pass data from one fragment to another in Android?
To pass data from one fragment to another in android we simply make use of Bundle .
In this example I am sending three String from MainActivityFragment(Fragment) to SecondFragment(Fragment) with the help of Bundle.
Below i...
Implementing Fragment in Android
In this example we are using two fragments Fragment1 and Fragment2 where Fragment1 consist of a button named click, this button will show the Fragment2 on clicking the Click button.
To implement Fragment in Android follow the steps mentioned b...
How to make Fragment app in android ?
Below I have created fragment app in android. In Fragment class we can insert a fragment into our activity layout by declaring the fragment in the activity's layout file.
Fragment Features-
1. Fragment has its own layout and its own behavior w...
Fragment Tutorial in Android
This tutorial helps you how to use Fragment Class in android Application
the sample code give you the brief on how you can use an fragment class.
In main Activity we have created four fragments. And use FragmentManager and FragmentTransaction...