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Tree structure in CakePhp

Hello readers, today we discuss about "Tree Structure (or hierarchical data) in cakephp". It can fairly common to want to maintain hierarchical data in a database stand. Examples of such data might be categories with unlimited subcategorie

Form objects with Reform gem (Rails refactoring)

We have been discussing refactoring in our previous posts. Next to our refactoring pattern, we will discuss few gems that can be used to improve our coding style.   In my last post i explained form objects pattern. Form objects are nothing but

How to upload multiple image in php?

Hi Reader's, Welcome to FindNerd Today we are going to discuss how to upload multiple image in php? To upload  the multiple files you can follow the process by uploading it using different names for input. The process of uploading can be d

How to do client side validation in Asp.Net MVC?

In this blog, we illustrate how to enable a client side validation in Asp.Net MVC.   Firstly we need to understand what is client side validation in MVC.   Client side validation: All Client side validation is handled on the We

An Overview on forms and Input Fields in METRO UI CSS

Hello everyone , In my previous blog I have discussed about a new technology introduced by Microsoft i.e METRO UI.   I hope you all have got an overview about METRO UI which I have discussed in my previous block.   But ,  today I w

How to get Package information programmatically in Android

In some cases we have to get global information about application environment programmatically. We will get package name, version name, version code, application info and last updated time using the PackageInfo class which contains all of the informa

How to make group by query in MongoDb

Making a group by query in traditional database like MySQL,MySQL etc in quite easy but when its come to NoSQL like MongoDb we have to twist it a bit to get result we want : There are two ways in which you can do group by in MongoDb : a) Using group

Wordpress: How to call a plugin function with an ajax call

In web development field we face different situations in order to fulfil the requirements. Sometimes we have to customize the well managed CMS/frameworks. Today we are going to take an sample example of wordpress plugin development. There is one situ

Friend Class in C++

Friend class in C++ Friend class Protected and private members of a class cannot be accessed from outside the class in which they are declared. A friend class can access these members of another class in which it is declared as friend.Friend declar


UNION CLAUSE The union operator in sql is used to combined two different queries into a singel table. For eg:-we have one table which have information about employee, also have another table that have information about their department, and their is

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