In OpenERP first, we will manage all file and create module and then inherits to the account.invoice object in your .py file.
Follow these step given below
Step1- First, we create custom module like as a test module and put this test module in your server and then install in your database.
Step2- Then create .py file in your test module and file name like: file and pass file in your file. After this writes function and fields here and same in database.
Using this code given below:
def onchange_squences(self, cr, uid, ids, qty_char, product , price_unit=0, discount=0, quantity=0, context=None):
qty_char = qty_char
product_obj = self.pool.get('product.product')
product_obj = product_obj.browse(cr, uid, product, context=context)
prod_type = product_obj.supp_ref
squ_meter = product_obj.squ_meter
price = price_unit
value = {}
if prod_type == 'T':
if qty_char:
typ = float(qty_char)
qty = typ / squ_meter
round = math.ceil(qty)
new_qty = round * squ_meter
value['quantity'] = round
subtotal = (quantity) * (discount)
value['price_subtotal'] = subtotal
elif prod_type == 'B':
if qty_char:
typ = float(qty_char)
qty = typ / squ_meter
round = math.ceil(qty)
new_qty = round * squ_meter
value['quantity'] = round
subtotal = (quantity) * (discount)
value['price_subtotal'] = subtotal
if qty_char:
typ= float(qty_char)
value['quantity'] = typ
subtotal = (quantity) * (discount)
value['price_subtotal'] = subtotal
return {'value': value}
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