A unanimous definition of a scope in rails can be termed as a succinct way of creating database queries. We define a scope in a Model class in the purview of MVC architecture.
It's syntax goes like: scope(name, body, &block) .
To give a basic feeling of what does a scope do ,consider the following example.But remember we use scopes for much complex functionalities.
class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :current_status, -> status { where(status: status) }
scope :latest, -> { order("blogs.created_at ASC") }
here ,we have two scopes named current_status and latest ,the first one simply assigns a status for a particular blog and the second scope namely latest sorts the entire blogs in the ascending order of their creation time.
# SELECT "blogs".* FROM "blogs" WHERE "blogs"."status" = 'pending'
# ORDER BY blogs.created_at ASC
The same task can be achieved using class-methods instead of using scopes :
class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.current_status(status)
where(status: status)
def self.latest
order("blogs.created_at ASC")
A call to a scope returns an ActiveRecord::Relation object that allows for further chaining with other scopes.
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