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  • How to update fields in text fields in product module OpenERP(Odoo)

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    In OpenERP first create custom module and inherits the hr module in your existing module.


    Follow these step given below

    Step1- First create existing module like as test and than create .py file in your own module like as a file and this file pass in the file.


    Using this code given below

    class product_product(osv.osv):   
        _columns= {         
                   'design':fields.char('Design', size=128, required=True),
                   'dyes':fields.char('Dyes', size=128, required=True),
                   'colour':fields.char('Colour', size=128, required=True),
                   'min_price':fields.char('Min price', size=128, required=True),
                   'market_value':fields.char('Market value', size=128),
                   'supplier':fields.char('Supplier', size=128),
                   'age':fields.char('Age', size=128, required=True),
                   'm_length':fields.float('Size(M. Length)'),
                   'm_width':fields.float('Size(M. Width)'),
                   'f_length':fields.float('Size(F. Length)'),
                   'f_width':fields.float('Size(F. Width)'),
                   'origin':fields.many2one('',"Origin", required=True),
        def update_descrp(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
            obj = self.pool.get('product.product')
            for val in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
    	    a1 = ''
    		a1 =	    
    	    a2 = ''
                if val.origin:
                    a2 =
                a5 = ''
    	    if val.dyes:
    		a5 = val.dyes
                a6 = ''
    	    if val.colour:
    		a6 = val.colour
                a7 = ''
    	    if val.m_length:
    		a7 = val.m_length
                a8 = ''
    	    if val.m_width:
    		a8 = val.m_width
                a9 = ''
    	    if val.f_length:
    		a9 = val.f_length
                a10 = ''
    	    if val.f_width:
    		a10 = val.f_width       	    
                description = 'Design' + ' : ' + str(a1) + '\n' + 'Origin' + ' : ' + str(a2) + '\n' + 'Material' + ' : ' + str(a4) + '\n' + 'Dyes' + ' : ' + str(a5) + '\n' + 'Colour' + ' : ' + str(a6) + '\n' + 'Size(M)' + ' : ' + str(a7) + 'x' + str(a8) + '\n' + 'Size(F)' + ' : ' + str(a9) + 'x' + str(a10)  
                self.write(cr, uid, [], {'description': description,})
            return True
        def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None):
    	a1 = ''
    	if vals.get('design'):
    		a1 = vals.get('design')
    	a2 = ''
    	if vals.get('origin'):
            	aa = self.pool.get('').browse(cr, uid, vals.get('origin'), context=context)
    	a5 = ''
    	if vals.get('dyes'):
    		a5 = vals.get('dyes')
    	a6 = ''
    	if vals.get('colour'):
    		a6 = vals.get('colour')
    	a7 = ''
    	if vals.get('m_length'):
    		a7 = vals.get('m_length')
    	a8 = ''
    	if vals.get('m_width'):
    		a8 = vals.get('m_width')
    	a9 = ''
    	if vals.get('f_length'):
    		a9 = vals.get('f_length')
    	a10 = ''
    	if vals.get('f_width'):
    		a10 = vals.get('f_width')
            if not vals.get('description'):
                vals['description'] = 'Design' + ' : ' + str(a1) + '\n' + 'Origin' + ' : ' + str(a2) + '\n' +'Material' + ' : ' + str(a4) + '\n' + 'Dyes' + ' : ' + str(a5) + '\n' + 'Colour' + ' : ' + str(a6) + '\n' + 'Size(M)' + ' : ' + str(a7) + 'x' + str(a8) + '\n' + 'Size(F)' + ' : ' + str(a9) + 'x' + str(a10) 
            return super(product_product, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context=context)


    Step2- Then we create another .xml file like as a test.xml file in your own module and pass this file in the file.

    Using this code given below

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <record id="product_normal_form_view11" model="ir.ui.view">
                <field name="name">product.normal.form</field>
                <field name="model">product.product</field>
                      <field name="inherit_id" ref="product.product_normal_form_view"/>
    			     <field name="arch" type="xml">
    				<xpath expr="//field[@name='description']" position="before">
                        <button name="update_descrp"  string="Update Description" type="object"  icon="gtk-apply" />                 
    						<xpath expr="/form/sheet/notebook/page/group/group/field[@name='list_price']" position="replace">
                                    <field name="list_price" string="Price"/>
                                    <field name="design"/>
                                <label for="m_length" string ="Size(M)"/>
                                            <field name="m_length" placeholder="length" style="width: 45%%"   />
                                			<field name="m_width" placeholder="width" style="width: 44%%" />
                                <field name="dyes"/>
                                <field name="min_price"/>
                                <field name="origin"/>          		
                           		<xpath expr="//field[@name='default_code']" position="before">           	
                                <field name="market_value"/>
                                <field name="fringes"/>
                                <field name="selvedges"/>
                                <field name="supplier"/>
                                 <field name="colour"/>
                                <field name="age"/>
                                <label for="f_length" string ="Size(F)"/>
                                <field name="f_length" placeholder="Length" style="width: 45%%"/>
                                <field name="f_width" placeholder="Width"  style="width: 44%%" />


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