If you want to show a menu badge in OpenERP/Odoo then you should follow the below code:
class Shiva(models.Model):
_name = 'Shiva'
_inherit = ['ir.needaction_mixin']
('healthy', "Healthy Shiva"),
('sick', "Sick Shiva"),
name = fields.Char(required=True)
state = fields.Selection(STATES, default='healthy')
def _needaction_domain_get(self):
Show a count of sick horses on the menu badge.
An exception: don't show the count to Bob,
because he worries too much!
if self.env.user.name == "Bob":
return False # don't show to Bob!
return [('state', '=', 'sick')]
After that making use of the domain argument in this file.
def _needaction_count(self, domain=None):
Count all objects in a view, deducting a dozen
before displaying on the badge
(we don't want to alarm people with big numbers)
return self.search_count(domain or []) - 12
Note- Rather than defining domain_get method you can alternatively define a count method, it will return a number of your choice directly in odoo. As shown in screenshot below:

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