In below example, I have written Python script for each tax group. see below python code in .py file :
(tax_code_pos, base_code_pos, account_pos, tax_id)= (0, 1, 2, 3)
for key, tax_amount in group_tax.items():
tax = self.pool.get('').browse(cr, uid, key[tax_id], context=context)
insert_data('tax', {
'name': _('Tax') + ' ' +,
'quantity': line.qty,
'account_id': key[account_pos] or income_account,
'credit': ((tax_amount>0) and tax_amount) or 0.0,
'debit': ((tax_amount<0) and -tax_amount) or 0.0,
'tax_code_id': key[tax_code_pos],
'tax_amount': tax_amount,
'partner_id': order.partner_id and self.pool.get("res.partner")._find_accounting_partner(order.partner_id).id or False
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