In openerp first install board module and inherit object in your own module and write this function name createview and this function will check the user id and list of the board id in board.board object in openerp.
You can use this as given below.
def createview(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
board = self.pool.get('board.board').browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
left = []
right = []
#start Loop
for line in board.line_ids:
linestr = '<action string="%s" name="%d"' % (,
linestr += '/>'
if line.position == 'left':
#End Loop
arch = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
<form string="My Board">
<board style="1-1">
</form>""" % ('\n'.join(left), '\n'.join(right))
return arch
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