It has been noticed that if we create an invoice in OpenERP, we see a difference between the subtotal of a line and the base amount for taxes, and this amount can vary hugely as the quantity of the product/item increases. For this, I have been searching a lot and finally the issue can be resolved. Just follow the following steps:
1. Check if the account precision and currency precision are same:
For this, go to the Accounting Module/Configuration/Miscellaneous/Currencies.
Go to the required currency, in my case INR and change the Decimal Accuracy integer.
My account precision is set to 2, so I decided to change my currency precision to 2 as well.
2. Some patch work:
Now in, go to the compute function of the account_invoice_line model and do the changes.
Replace the line
val['base'] = tax['price_unit'] * line['quantity']
val['base'] = cur_obj.round(cr, uid, cur, tax['price_unit'] * line['quantity'])
Also delete the line
tax['price_unit'] = cur_obj.round(cr, uid, cur, tax['price_unit'])
For reference use the link
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