Consider the following scenario.
Let us say we have a User model and users ,its corresponding table in the database has a column role_id along with other columns.
During the time of the attachment of the role_id to users table ,we could have written the following migration so that it receives a default value :
class AddRoleIdToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :users, :role_id, :integer,:default => 2
add_index :users, :role_id
An index has been there for a faster search.
Now if we added the column but accidently or unknowingly forgot to add default option ,we can do something like this.
generate an empty migartion using rails g migration GiveDefaultValueForRoleId and modify the change method as described below:
class GiveDefautvalueForRoleId < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
change_column :users ,:role_id ,:integer ,default: 2
here the name of the migration is of no importance but it should produce some sense.
The change_column method here takes table name,column name,column 's data type and a hash
as its parameters in the same order.
But a caution here ,it won't provide default values for the earilier created records so we have to manually update them using rails console.
Thank you
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