How to Access old API in Odoo ?
about 9 years ago
about 9 years ago
There are few more useful decorators that will allow using the old API for methods in a better way:
- @api.v7
- @api.cr_uid_context
- @api.cr_uid_ids_context
about 9 years ago
If you want to access old api to new api you have to move on migration method and By default, using new API you have to work on a new RecordSet class instance by yourself. But old context and model are still available in old api. means you have to move that context and model in new api. for this below is the code
For example code is below.
Note- With the help of above code you can get access old api in odoo.
about 9 years ago
There are few more useful decorators that will allow using the old API for methods in a better way:
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