Appearance Panel In Adobe Illustrator
**Appearance Panel in Adobe Illustrator:** Appe
by priyanka.puspwan -
Create Carnival Girl Face Illustration in Easy Steps
I am not the master in creating perfect Illustrat
by priyanka.puspwan -
Gradient Mesh in Illustrator
Gradient Mesh in Illustrator: Gradient Mesh, is
by priyanka.puspwan
Copying Text Styles with Eyedropper
Generally we think Eyedropper tool is used for picking colors or gradients in Illustrator. But you know that the **eyedropper can be used for picking character styles and appearances**.
To do this,
Type a text & add some style on it.
Some key Point of Effective Icon Design
Hi Friends,
This small article can help you to create nice icon. I have some small idea in my mind to create effective icon designs, Before going to design icon, there are some guidelines and principles which you might found that are worth stud...
Clean Up In Illustrator
Clean up option,as the name suggests,is used to Clean up the files by Removing Unwanted points,Empty text paths or objects from the file.
It is one of the Illustrator's powerful option,which can save a lot of time &manual work efforts.
Appearance Panel In Adobe Illustrator
**Appearance Panel in Adobe Illustrator:**
Appearance Panel is one of the most important panel in Adobe Illustrator which used during in designing Illustrations. There are many things that Illustrator users can find in Appearance Panel. Even m...
Gradient Annotator In Illustrator
Gradient Annotator in Illustrator :
Hello all :-), I have been using the Gradient tool in my Illustrations for 2-3 years & many times I had faced the same problem that Gradient tool bar wasnt showing up on the object & I wouldnt know ...
Create Carnival Girl Face Illustration in Easy Steps
I am not the master in creating perfect Illustrations using Brush or Pen Tool but still I am trying to made this tutorial to help the less experienced or beginners.
In this tutorial I will draw this pretty girl ;-) wearing a carnival mask.
Lying on the couch, thinking of the childhood days,when we use to spoil our notebooks and even walls, trawling our color pencils creating lines,circles and other geometric shapes. Parents used to call it a scrap making it come to a standstill as ...
Gradient Mesh in Illustrator
Gradient Mesh in Illustrator:
Gradient Mesh, is an advance tool that allows us to create gradients in any shapes. The result in artwork seems like as it come right from the Photoshop. Every designer have his/her own way that how they apply gra...