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How confirm and match the password fields on a html form

Hello Reader!, If you looking for a front end validation for matching the two passwords feilds with Javascript then you can see how to get it done. Lets consider the example below Here i'm using the html code for the form <form clas...

How to make Fancy Box on your text portion

Hello reader! if you having the page and need to show the fancy loading on any text portion then you can see the code below. For the loader and the text the css will go like this #dummy { display: none; } #target { display:inl...

How to improve performance of a AngularJS app

Hello readers if you using a long Angular JS app and want to make it's performance better you can see here how to make your app efficient There are two ways of achieving this for a developer namely 1. disabling debug data and 2. enabling stric...

Difference between 'null' and 'undefined'

The difference between undefined and null is as follows, 1-When we declare any variable and we do not give it a value then it will have the value undefined.Undefined is a type all to itself 2- We can declare a variable and can set it to n...

Operator in Javascript

There are following types of operators in JavaScript. 1- Arithmetic Operators ( +,-,*,/,%,++,-- ) <script> var a= 1; var b = 2; var c = a + b; document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = c; </script> 2- Comparison (Rel...

Javascript getDay() method

JavaScript getDay() Method Return the day of the week: var d = new Date(); var n = d.getDay(); This method is used for getting the days of week from 0-6 for the date specified. in this 0 stand for sunday and 1 stand for monday. Synt...

Javascript and If Else statement

If else statement like any other computer language are used for condition. If the condition satisfies it goes for first statement and if it does not than it goes for the second statement. 1.if is use to run a code if a condition is true. 2.el...

Javascript Datatype

Javascript data type can hold may data type like number string arrays object and other. To declare a variable we use var keyword example var length = 16; // Number var lastName = "Johnson"; ...

Javascript Comments

Javascript Comments Comments like in any other computer language are used for making the code understandable ie explaining the code in simple language. They are not executed by the javascript. There are two ways to enter the comments 1. Sin...

On paste event in javascript.

I am using a telerik editor control in my web app which by default has On Paste (Ctrl + V) event handler which open a dialog box. It is working in latest version of IE(Edge), Firefox and Chrome. But I need to make it support in IE 7 and 8. In IE ...

How to detect collision between two elements.

Can any one give me the idea. How I can detect collision between 2 dom element. I have got this code form MDN. But can't go thorough it. Please help me. var rect1 = {x: 5, y: 5, width: 50, height: 50} var rect2 = {x: 20, y: 10, width: 10, heig...

Ionic auth with express and mongoose

Hi! I'm trying to develop an application.But i'm a little bit confused about auth.I've seen more examples from github but their code are realy difficult and it's very hard to understand it .I need if it's possible,a small working example to under...

Product is not available with In-App purchase in Phonegap

Has developed a PhoneGap application with in-app purchase. I am using PhoneGap Build. But how do I test so that in-app purchases work now? Has created an in-app purchase on the iTunes Connect and downloaded the app from the PhoneGap Build to m...

Avoid Discrete Polygon Colliders in Spritesheet Animations

Scenario :- I am using a spritesheet with a few frames to run my animations in ImpactJS. As using large number of frames can increase my sheet size. Basically it is a shot playing animation in which I have applied Polygon collider to the bat wit...

Need Spine Plugin for ImpactJS

I have found this cool plugin ( for using Spine animations ( in ImpactJS ( But this plugin has a lot of bugs mainly scaling of child bones to parent bones. Can You...

How to set high velocity in Box2D

I want to throw an object in Box2d by applying a force vector, But it is limited to a certain velocity even if I Apply Force by a very high value? How can I achieve this ? For Ex:- I have to fire a bullet at a very high speed. var force = new ...

How to access frame numbers in Spine Animations

When using Spine ( JavaScript version. How can I access the frame numbers while the animation is playing as I have to perform some tasks based on them ?

assing array to span in jquery

my response is comming in this format.... array { [0]=>abc [1]=>cde [2]=>fgh . . . . . . . . . . } I want to put this array in span.....

create object and object's combination

I need help in javascript friends I have 3 javascript array. var color = ["red", "yellow", "blue"]; var size = ["xl", "xxl", "xxxl"]; var style = ["cotton", "silk", "jins"]; and i want string like bellow line using javascript or jquery. ...

Using Javascript to access liferay services

The Below code will show you how you can create the service in Liferay and how you can call that services using javascript. For this, First you have to create service builder(service.xml) to build service using ant build-service command. ...

nginx help

Does anyone knows how to work with nginx on windows?I'm trying to run an nodejs application.Can anyone help me ?

Disconnect strophe js from another angular controller

Hello! I make a connection to an xmpp server using node-xmpp-bosh.From my app i'm using strophe js to connect.I have two controllers.I make connection in first controller.In second controller i want to close connection .I've tried but i need to e...

How to Change the Number of Records show 10 entries of jQuery Datatable

Hi, In this short tutorial I have given an example to change the number of  records  “show 10 entries” of jquery datatable. If you are using the DataTable then by default it will show the records for 10,25,50 ...

Why cordova geolocation watch doesn't working?

Hello.I'm making an application in ionic.I'm using cordova geolocation plugin.I want when i change my position location to be updated .I should see an alert but i don't see anything.What i should do ? Here is my code: $ionicPlatform ...

Strophe receive only one message

Hi..I want to create a chat app.I'm using Strophe js with and xmpp server.I send a message to another client(Spark) and after that i can send one message from Spark to strophe client.Here is my code.I wil appreciate any help :) var connection ...

Convert code from jquery in angular

I have this code and i'm trying to convert it in angular js code.Who can help me ?

Angular js and strophejs

Hello guys..I want to develop a xmpp chat app in angularjs,I want to use strophe js as a library.I've tried to look at some examples and i've read documentation about strophe...Does anyone have an example ?

Reference-counting garbage collection in Javascript

In Javascript, when we define any variable(string, object, integer, function etc..), some memory is allocated with it and freed when they are not in use by garbage collector and this process is called garbage collection. This whole process we can...

Ionic xmpp chat client

Hello guys!I want to develop a chat app in ionic.I have created xmpp server.Does anyone know a client or a library for ionic to implement chat?

How to use custom filters in our code in AngularJS

Filter is one of the important part in angularJS. There are many default filters like: 1. uppercase 2. lowercase 3. orderby etc. We can use these filter simply by adding a pipe character (|) in the expression. Now we will discuss a custom ...

Getting Device info using phone gap

In phonegap, if we want to know the device information then we have to add a plugin for the same and from that we will have a device object which describe the hardware and software of the device. The properties include: device....

How to create deleteCookie() function in JavaScript

With the help of javascript, I have created deleteCookie() function. In the code given below, I have stored all the values in a single cookie and then used deleteCookie() function for deleting the cookie. When the cookie session expires, previous...

How to create conditional display using AngularJS

With the help of AngularJS, I have created a conditional display function. In the example given below, I have used ng-show( for showing the element ) and ng-hide( similar to 'display:none' or hide the element ) derivatives. HTML- <!DO...

How to create dynamic checkbox using JavaScript

With the help of JavaScript, I have created a dynamic checkbox function. When i will click on create button it will dynamically create a checkbox item list and by clicking on checkbox item it will be removed easily. <html> <head> ...

How to Add and Remove items in array using AngularJS

With the help of Angularjs, We can dynamically add or remove list items in an array. It is shown In the example given below.     Addition of the list items is done using 'push' method and removal of the item is done...

How to set Cookie() function in JavaScript.

With the help of javascript i have created set Cookie() function. In the below code I have store all the values in the single cookie. By using this function many cookies will store at a time. <script type="text/javascript"> var today ...

How to create JavaScript confirm Model

In the code given below, i have created a javaScript Confirm Model with the help of bootstrap. I also used document ready event handler to trigger the event.Confirm model without a callback isn't particularly useful,but it is entirely possible ...

Jquery Return false, event.preventdefault and event.stopPropagation

Return False :- Basically returning false is a way to tell your action (like button click event, submit and load etc. ) is not firing. Return false do the three basic things event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); Stops the call...

How to Dynamically add element in DropDownList?

I have created a dropdownlist with the help of Jquery and javascript. In this, when we will enter the text in the field given, that value will be stored and will be added to the next list dynamically. Also We can easily remove all the items by ju...

How to use loading and saving data from the local storage

In below code, I have used a constructor shoppingCart for the parameter CartName which identifies the Cart while loading data from the local storage. I have also used clearItems() function which is used to clear the cart and saveItems which is u...

How to create window.prompt Method

With the help of this javascript prompt() function, I have created a dialog box that will be used for taking user input. The prompt() method displays a dialog box that prompts the user to input data <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <h...

Open Android App from Web Browser & Get Data from The App & Return Back to Web Browse

Sometime we a have a situation in which we use android app in our web application.In that situation you can use this. For opening the android app first we have to check 2 conditions . 1. If the device is android or not. 2. In the android dev...

How to use Animated AJAX Record deletion in jQuery?

With the help of jQuery we can delete link for any record. On below code we have add a click event to triggers the ajax request. when the ajax request returns get success response. $(document).ready(function() { $('a.delete').click(fu...

How to show multiple items in a textbox, using auto completion in Javascript

"How to show multiple items in a textbox, using auto completion in Javascript" In this article we will make a project that will select multiple items from the autocomplete list and display them in the textbox as tags using Javascript. For ...

Prototypical inheritance in javascript

prototypical inheritance... We have used many different types of inhertance which are based on classes but today we are going to discuss the prototypical inheritance in javascript. It is based on objects, you can simply inherit one object to othe...

script for copy to clipboard

Copy to clipboard.. You can see this option in most of the blogs. You can simply click on the link and it will copy the text which set as target. Today we are going to discuss the implementation of this feature. We can see different ways to do th...

How to create Generated Keyframes in Javascript

Hello friends, I am sharing a generated keyframe with you . In this code I have set an animation on a DOM element . I have used insertRule for dynamically adding CSS and <style> tags for making it easier to remove the animation once the...

How to Create Real Time Changing Clock

With the help of javascript we can create changing clock time function. In the example given below I am using setTimeout function (changed other value) when clock refresh it will show the exact time once in every seconds. <html> <hea...

Get the device which is used by the user

Sometimes we have to write down the different scripts for different devices. Now a days most used devices are mobiles/tablets. If you want to get the device type which user is using then you need to simply add this script in your code and call th...

Email validation in javascript

If you are creating web forms then you need to put the validation in your form. We are here to discuss the validation for email. We know email address has its own structure. For eg. or etc We are g...
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