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How to get size of a file using HTML 5

Hello Reader's! If you are looking for an HTML 5 validation which tell user the size of an file the code will help you:- In HTML fileL <input type="file" id="file" /> In the JS file //binds to onchange event of your input fiel...

Display image before upload using javascript/jQuery

This post demonstrates how to display an image prior to uploading it on server. This demo uses the JavaScript's readAsDataURL method of reader API which will read image as url. <html> <head> <script src="https://a...

Laravel 5.0 Getting Old Values In the form

Many times we need to show our old values in a form after an error or validation stops our form from submitting. Laravel has a very nice way of retaining old values and populating it back into our form. I myself used it in a drop down, where ...

How to load header and footer using Javascript

Hello Reader's. If you have developed the header and footer of the website separatly then it's very easy to make them render on a webpage. By using the JS you can call them with a single line of code as written below:- <html> <head&g...

How to detect if web page is refreshed using Javascript

Hello Reader's! if you need to detect whether the webpage is being refreshed by using Javascript you can do this like the example below:- function CheckRefresh() { if(document.cookie.indexOf('mycookie')==-1) { // cookie doesn't exist, ...

How to detect UTF encoding using PHP

Hello Readers! if you want to find out the type of file encoding using php then the code below will help you:- //check string strict for encoding out of list of supported encodings $enc = mb_detect_encoding($str, mb_list_encodings(), tr...

How to get color of image for the background using PHP

Hello Readers! If you are developing the dynamic website in which the image color will be the background color then you can see it doing in PHP :- <?php $filename = $_GET['filename']; $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($filenam...

How to make text url to hyperlink using PHP

Hello Reader!, On printing the url in plain text, they do not appears as hyper linked but using PHP you can perform this. Let's see the example below that takes a plan url as input and return the hyperlinked url:- <? function createHyper...

How to validate a given URL using PHP

Hello reader! If you have a to check the url is correct or not (not giving the status 404), Then you can get all the details of any url by using 'get_headers' in print_r. Let's see the example below:-0 <?php stream_context_set_default( ...

Use of '@' in PHP

Hello Reader!, You might have seen people using the '@' in the PHP coding. The operator '@' is used when you don't want to show the error messages even if they occur. By using '@' the errors will be hidden. Let's see the two syntax below:- ...

How to find OS version from web browsers using PHP

Hello Reader! If you want to detect the OS version of user though the web browser. Then you can use the library code below:- <?php $OSList = array ( // Match user agent string with operating systems 'Windows 3.11' => 'Win16', 'Wi...

How to use iframe to open a website in it

You can use a perticlualr custom window on your website to open another website, Iframe gives you this feature to do. You can see the example below :- <iframe id="if1" width="100%" height="254" style="visibility:visible" src="http://www.fin...

Diffrence between ' and "

Both the ' and " are same and does same function but it's just the coding standard followed by coders Using double quotes for HTML i.e. <div class="colorFont"></div> Using single quotes for JavaScript i.e. $('#cont...

How to make image download with a link

Hello Reader! if you want to link up your images to make it download with just a click then you can use the code below <a href="/local/project/image.jpg" download="myimage.jpg"><img src="/ocal/project/image.jpg" /></a> T...

Correct way to write disabled textbox

Hello Reader! If you got confuse to write the correct syntax of writing the disabled text box then you can use these types of code as below:- <input type="text" disabled /> <input type="text" disabled="" /> <input type="text"...

How to change image onmouseover event

Hello Reader! If you are looking for a quick onmouseover event that changes the image over another image then you can use the following library code :- <img src='FirstImage.jpg' width='120' height='70' onmouseover="this.src='SecondImage....

How to show copy, cut and pase action on website

Hello Reader if you looking for any script that makes user a notification whenever he cut, copy of paste data from your website then you can see how it is done below:- This is the html page <body> <h1>jQuery copy, paste and ...

how to print the HTML code in PHP

If you want to print the html tags and code inside the PHP code you can do it by putting all the html code inside the echo syntax:- Consider the following two cases:- 1. In between PHP tags <?php if(condition){ ?> //In this case th...

What is meant by Doctype

The DOCTYPE specify the user's web browser and the search engines that what type of document is written. One final thought is that the new HTML5 standard proposes using a very simple DOCTYPE: <!DOCTYPE html> Always add the &l...

How to make multiple submit button in a form

Hello Reader if you need two or more submit button in a single html form then you learn from the code below:- For the form the html will go like this:- <input type="submit" name="submit_button" value="Submit" /> <input type="subm...

How to print HTML page with tags using PHP

If you have any blogs or coding part that you need to show with the html tags, Then using PHP then you can perform this task Lets say print the line below:- <h1>I'm printing this line using the HTML tags</h1> To print this...

How to make background blur using CSS

Hello Reader!. If you want to show background image blur then you can use css. Lets's make a html page :- <div class="background-image"></div> <div class="content"> <p>This is the para showing the content over the...

How to scale and strech the image in a fix size?

If you have a fixed div and you want the image to be put over it by stretch and scaling then you can use the following code for html and css:- In the html page add class 'background' and 'stretch' <div id="background"> <img sr...

How to style checkbox using CSS

If you want your html form to look more beautiful than just the simple check boxes then you can use the following advance css. This will give rich looks to your html form by styling checkbox First on the html form create the checkboxes using t...

How to load a html page inside another web page using Javascript

If you have two html pages and you need to load one inside of another then using Javascript you can easily perform this action by 'load' syntax: Lets consider two pages one.html and second.html one.html will go like this <html> &...

How to take inputs as only digits using Angular JS

Hello Reader! If you are designing a html form and wants to make it validate for accepting only digits as input then you can see the code below for the same:- You can create the html form like this way:- Validate Price ...

Example of ng show / ng hide in Angular JS

If you learning the Angular JS and use a parameter from an object as the expression then the ng-hide and ng-show are given the correct true/false but always remember these true/false is not like boolean so always return false: Consider the examp...

How to detect mobile device in website using PHP

If you want to know any mobile device is accessing your website, Then the easy way to detect device is to run a php code. Lets see the code below :- <?php $useragent=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if(preg_match('/(android|bb\d+|meego)...

How to send SMS using PHP

Php offers you to make the integration of sms. We will discuss how to use php to send sms to any mobile number:- Before we starts you need to have some any sms pack from mobile data companies but if you don't have you can make one you from twi...

How to install wordpress using Softaculous

Hello reader! Installing WordPress is a bit of lengthy task for a beginner but in this blog you can learn installing the WordPress using a application from you cpanel. There is a application names 'Softaculous automatic app installer' and using...

How confirm and match the password fields on a html form

Hello Reader!, If you looking for a front end validation for matching the two passwords feilds with Javascript then you can see how to get it done. Lets consider the example below Here i'm using the html code for the form <form clas...

Animating Placeholder

Making Animated Placeholder To make a Placeholder animation we need to make custom placeholder, for this I have used span tag. HTML - <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8">...

How to create conditional display using AngularJS

With the help of AngularJS, I have created a conditional display function. In the example given below, I have used ng-show( for showing the element ) and ng-hide( similar to 'display:none' or hide the element ) derivatives. HTML- <!DO...

How to use Angular JS attribute in HTML.

Angular is the key to our apps. ng-app directive refers to module and ng-controller directive, which link our controller to our template. In the below example I have created a HTML program with the use of Angular JS attribute. Review of these ...

How to include HTML file in PhoneGap

Follow the below steps to include a PhoneGap HTML file.- 1-The format-detection this meta tag smiply disables the abilty for device. 2- The msapplication-tap-highlight" meta tag is a only tag which disable tap highlighting for links. 3-The "...

CSS document for printing

Hello everyone, Lots of web pages have a print-friendly version and many of them don't. I realize that there's no need because you can set up a second CSS document to be called up when a user prints the page. So, basically we need two css i...

How to set half color on text ?

Hi all, Below is an example how to make half color on text using css. In this example we are using custom-attribute. If you are looking for custom-attribute, In one my previous blog I have explained about it click custom-attribute to know m...

How to create window.prompt Method

With the help of this javascript prompt() function, I have created a dialog box that will be used for taking user input. The prompt() method displays a dialog box that prompts the user to input data <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <h...

How to set space in table row ?

HI all, We can't add the margin between row in table but we can add space using an alternative method. for this you have to add some property in your style. table { border-spacing: 0 5px ; border-collapse: separate...

Underline hover effect using CSS

Hi all, In this, I am showing a simple hover underline effect using pseudo elements and just set transition at .3 second make width 100% on element hover. See the below code with output - CSS: a, a:visited { text-decoration: none; ...

How to Create Real Time Changing Clock

With the help of javascript we can create changing clock time function. In the example given below I am using setTimeout function (changed other value) when clock refresh it will show the exact time once in every seconds. <html> <hea...

Simple loader using pure CSS

Hi all, Below is an example of pure css loader. Using css animate I just rotate the div and change the border radius. Check the code for details. CSS : div { height: 20px; width: 20px; background-color: transpa...

Uses of CSS prefixes

Hello all, Mainly prefixes are used for css3 properties which is experimental or non standard CSS properties, this tells to different browser Mostly we avoid the prefix but sometimes if you are not using prefix, your css3 properties will no...

How To Create a Modal in Bootstrap

With the help of Bootstrap we can create a Modal plugin. In the example given below , I am using attributes data-toggle=model ( which is used to open the model window ) and data- target=#Model (which points to the id of the target model ). ...

How to Create a Popover in Bootstrap.

With the help of Bootstrap we can create a popover function. In below example I am using title attribute which will specify popover header text and the data-content attribute will specify the text which will be displayed inside the popover's body...

HTML5 Datalist Element

Hi all, Datalist is a new element in HTML5 and very useful. Basically it works with input box and when we write text in it, it will show a related item in list like option box. Example :- <label>Select your preferred code editor:&...

What is CSS attribute selectors ?

HI all, CSS attribute selectors is a great way to manipulate your style may be you have used this before but it really awesome and I am sure using it you can make more easy your style. Lets understand this with below example - I have a s...

Progress bar

A Progress bar indicates the current percentage for completeness of an operation or process. jQueryUI provides an easy-to-use progress bar widget that we can use to let users know the percent of completeness of an operation. jQueryUI provides...

How to make custom attribute in Html5 ?

Hi all, You can make your own custom attribute using data-. It allows possessive exchanged information between HTML and its DOM representation. It can work with javascript also, every browser will let you fetch and modify data- attributes usin...

Tutorial-4 AngularJS Controllers

Angular controllers control the data flow in application. Controller is defined by ng-controller. We define all script, function in the controller, every controller have their scope which works as parameter and that controller is applied on thei...
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