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Barcode and QR Code Reader

Hi there, today we are going to make a really simple app that scans the Bar Codes and QR Codes using the camera of your iPhone and displays the data stored in the code. The very first thing that we have to do is download and install the ZBarSD...

To setup custom webroot for Apache in Maverick

Apache by default serves files from the Document root i.e. /Library/WebServer/Documents/ But what if you want your custom folder to serve webfiles. This tutorial walks you through the complete process. Create a new folder at the root lev...

How to Work with a Stored Procedure

How to Work with a Stored Procedure DELIMITER // CREATE PROCEDURE `p2` () LANGUAGE SQL DETERMINISTIC SQL SECURITY DEFINER COMMENT 'A procedure' BEGIN SELECT 'Hello World !'; END// The four characteristics of a procedure are:...

Internationalization of cakephp site

Internationalization of cakephp site: STEP 1) Write the following code in cakePhp routes.php file Router::connect('/:language/:controller/:action/*', array(), array('language' => '[a-z]{3}')); ...

how to get a label Text or DataKey value on button click in a gridview

Get a label Text or DataKey value on button click in a gridview Write the .aspx code as below:-- <asp:GridView ID="grdtest" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" <Columns> <asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate...

How to open and close div using css

Hello! readers, There is an example to show a div on click using only css. You can use it as popup box also. --css-- .show , .hide{color:#FC6} #contain {display: none; border:1px solid #999;padding:10px;width:200px;margin-top:10px} ...

How to get DataKey value on check box checked event in a GridView

Get DataKey value on check box checked event in a GridView Here is the .aspx code for the following:- <asp:GridView ID="grdTest" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="ID"> <Columns> <asp:Templat...

Import Data from CSV in C#

How to import data from CSV to Database Use the function below to import the data from excel to the database connected public void importdatafromexcel(string excelfilepath) { try { DataTable tblReadCSV= new DataTable(); ...

How to Export data to Excel in C#

Export Data to Excel First get the data in a DataTable and call the below function. if (dtGetData.Rows.Count > 0) { string filename = "ExcelName.xls"; System.IO.StringWriter tw = new System.IO.StringWrite...

How to debug MYSQL database Issue while using DatePicker

As we all know that MYSQL (phpmyadmin) database require " YYYY-MM-DD " format while saving a certain DATE . So if we are using Datepicker we have to adjust the date format. $(function() { $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({ dateFo...

Removing file using Spreadsheet in windows( Errno::EACCESS(Permission denied))

There is no close method in spreadsheet.If you opened the spreadsheet and after reading you need to delete it then FIleUtils.rm(file_name) will work smoothly in linux but in windows it will give permission error Errno::EACCESS(Permission den...

Cost of a bug

Suppose you do a typo, a simple spelling mistake in your code. What is the cost of the bug? If it is caught: at development environment - 1 min of developer's time at code review - Reviewer's time and developer's time . at testing envir...

Not able to add Foreign key on table column

Error Code : 1005 Can't create table 'DatabaseName.#sql-9cc_1' (errno: 150) (0 ms taken) After searching a lot i have got solution for the above problem while i was adding FK to a column. The error was because of different MySQL engine. The...

Set Alarm Using TimePicker in Android

This tutorial will help you in creating an android application to set alarm using TimePicker. This is a basic android tutorial which will make you familiar with Intents , Pending Intents and BroadcastReceiver. Step 1: Create an android ...

Importing a MYSQL database dump from command line

While importing databases dump that are of large sizes in GB you may find issues with PHPmyadmin and some other clients also. To import the database you can use the command. mysql -uusername -p databasename < sqldump.sql where userna...

Write text on image

Here is the code to write text on the image:- shell_exec("convert /var/www/html/james/final.png -font /var/www/html/james/tahomabd.ttf -pointsize 85 -density 100 -fill indigo -draw 'text 475,440 JAMES' /var/www/html/james/james1.png"); ...

Bakery module error

If you install bakery module in drupal for single signon functionality and you get fatal error on bakery_encrypt() function of bakery module, then please check php-mycrypt into your server. If it is not installed in your server, install that exte...

Animating an object along a path in Maya

Hello Guys , In this tutorial we will learn how to animate a car along a curved road . In the scene you will see we have a path and a car placed . We will first draw an EP curve on top of the path so that it follows the path. ...

ScrollBar using Jquery

ScrollBar using Jquery To apply a scrollbar you need to write your html in the div below :- <div id="outerholder" style="float:left"> <div id="smidscroller" style="overflow:hidden; width:auto; height:500px;"> ...

How to give space to a Text input

How to give space after 4 characters to an TextBox input as well as retrict alphabets. We have a TextBox as :- <asp:TextBox ID="txtCardNumber" class="cardnumber" runat="server" onkeyup="GiveSpace(this,4)" MaxLength="...

How to modify a Datatable

Steps to modify data in a DataTable Suppose we have a DataTable with columns Name,Age, Status //DataTable dtRecords; DataRow[] rows = dtRecords.Select(); if (rows != null && rows.Length > 0) { ...

Create sequences in OpenERP

For any module or a part of the module we may have to have a field which is sequential and auto generated. For this we can create a sequence through the OpenERP UI and include in our model pragmatically through python code. First create a s...

Launch a report through a wizard in OpenERP 6.1

Printing a report from a button a wizard is quite easy and very fast in execution. Its really awesome when you created a report on your own format using OpenOffice or any other report designing tool for OpenERP, and you can call that report on a ...

selecting multiple rows in a UITableView

The UITableView is the most used tool by the iPhone developers to display various types of data in a neat, clean and easy to manage format. The programmer can search the cells for data, can arrange the data according to the users need by sorting ...

How to display multiple images one after another in some time interval

Sometimes we need to display ads in our application.To display the multiple images one after another in some time interval write the following code: Create a customTimerTask class that extends the TimerTask class public class customTime...

How to handle UIPanGestureRecognizer and moving your all images w.r.t moving image.

The following code help your image to move using UIPanGestureRecognizer. While moving your selected image other images set there location automatically. -(void)addImageToScrollView { float x=5,y=40,width = 100,height = 100,spaceH = 5...

Adding a field to an existing module using Inheritance in OpenERP 6.1

To add a new field to an existing module, the best practice is to create a new module that inherits the model you want this field to add in. And your module will depend on the required module. For example adding field cartage to account.invoic...

getting contact information from contact list in Android

We can get a contact information for any contact from contact list of an Android Device easily. For this follow the steps below: Write the permission to read Contact's data into your AndroidManifest.xml <uses-permission android:name="a...

Using Ternary operator instead of If/Else in Php

Evaluating If Else statements is very common in programming paradigm. But 'If Else' statements are long and they can be easily replaced by simply using Ternary operators. Here is a tutorial on the usage of ternary operators and their implementati...

What does Virtual Machine (VM) means?

Virtual Machine (VM) Definition - What does Virtual Machine (VM) mean? A virtual machine (VM) is a software program or operating system that not only exhibits the behavior of a separate computer, but is also capable of performing tasks such...

ASIFORMADATA uploading Bar

Hello Guys, There are different issues while uploading a video to a server. -videoSize video Quality. Now uploading depends on internet speed and file sizes and it can take almost a minute to upload a video. Developers use Activity Indi...

NGUI: Custom Atlas

NGUI: Create Custom Atlas When we install NGUI in our game it contains some built in Atlas such as - Fantasy, Refractive, SciFi, Wooden. We use them to create buttons, image buttons, progress bar, popup list, scroll bar etc., in which we can o...

Get Familiar with Texture Packer

Texture Packer is a wonderful program to create Sprite Sheet with in seconds for different data format like, cocos2d & Unity3D. Its not a free program but Texture packer's demo version works pretty well too.If you are a 2d animator & cre...

Making Custom Select Box Using JQuery

While designing an HTML form, a lot of time there is a requirement of custom form elements. Below is a tutorial on how to create some nice custom select box with CSS and jQuery. <div class="selectBox"> <div c...

How talent is luring technology to smaller towns

Resources have to be made available for people to learn to adapt to them. In the past, people traveled by foot to major cities to get their hands on better seeds and fertilizers. The ones who took the pains, fared way better than the ones who din...

Get Date Interval in iPhone

Compare two dates to get number of days without calculation. 1 day = 86400 seconds.. NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [dateFormat setDateFormat:@"EE LLL d,yyyy"]; NSString *dateStr = @"Tue Dec 17, 2013"; N...

NSSplitView delegate for controlling minimum and maximum sizes of views

NSSplitView have delegate methods where we control the minimum and maximum sizes of sections and which views expand or collapse by what amount. Constraining the coordinates in the splitView:constrainMinCoordinate:ofSubviewAt: sets the minimum ...

NSSplitView delegate for priority based resizing

The default resizing mechanism in NSSplitView is proportional resizing in which if the NSSplitView changes size, each column resizes by an equal percent. But it is not successful in case where the columns in a split view are used to separate a si...

UI Principles to keep

In our day to day life, we come across different interfaces. There can be several; One which eventually gains our admiration,the other may be kind what we become reluctant of using. Some are the interfaces that inspire us.. They itself give us a ...

Effortlessly managing your website using a Content Management System

The way that the internet has gripped the entire world compels every business to have a web presence. A web presence is a gateway to higher clients and in turn more business. Till not so long back creating and managing a website was like teaching...

Summing a column in an OpenERP report

Its is very obvious that you would need reports in accounting where you are supposed to analyse the sales, refunds, and many more accounting documents, this means you would require maths functions too while creating OpenOffice reports for OpenERP...

Changing the Behavior of a Dialog Box with Effects

The options used when creating the dialog box can be modified by the dialog ("option", param, value) method. The param parameter is the name of the option, while the value corresponds to its new value. lets change the effect for the opening and ...

The Art Of Animation

What is Animation? Animation is a simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures or frames. It is the process of creating a continuous motion and shape change illusion. The word animation is derived from animate, which mean...

Changing row color on clicking radio button

Consider an HTML table with multiple rows having radio button in first column of each row. Now, if we want to change the row color when radio button associated with it is clicked, we have to write following code. // HTML // Untitled ...

Finding the Dimensions of an Element

You want to determine the space occupied by an element. The width and height methods can be applied to any element, and they are useful for determining the computed width or height of an element. However, they fall short if you need to deter...

Finding the Dimensions of the Window and Document

You want to get the width and height of the window and document in pixels. jQuerys width and height methods provide easy access to the basic dimensions of the window or document: $(function() { alert('Window height:'+jQuery(window).height(...

DNN7 Common Error

DNN7 Common Error After installation of your DNN site sometime show given blow error on Default.aspx. HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. ...

Set predefault current date in datebox

How to set pre default current date in datebox before choose any other new date: We have to follow following steps. Step 1:- Download below 2 files. jquery.datepick.js jquery.datepick.css Call both file in HTML head <link ...

How to keep the order in ruby hashes

When we insert the data into a ruby hash it reorders the data in some other order when we use it in view file.So there are cases when we have to show the data in the same order in the order we are inserting the data into ruby hash.So in case wher...

Concept Of AJAX

AJAX----- Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. We use AJAX when we are using the concept of " B to B " or "B to C" B to B -- business to business ........................................// user to website. B to C -- business to costumers...........
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