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How to get the individual texts from edittexts in a loop

Please i have a for loop which creates edittext according to what the user types in. It displays the edittexts in a linearlayout.  What i want to do is to get each of the texts from the edittexts and store it in an arraylist  This is t...


In this blog I will guide you to “Create Tab Layout in Android using TABHOST with TABWIDGET and  Framelayout”.  This will be done by adding android tabs to your app using XML tabhost tabwidget.     ...

Sending complex data with image using Retrofit

Let us suppose you have to create post request params in below mentioned format: Here I have to send a user object which include the picture parameter ,to achieve  this you have to create HashMap which include RequestBody as paramete...

VideoView in Android - Video Tutorial

Hello everyone, In this Android Video Tutorial you will get to know about VideoView in Android. For your reference I am attaching file with this blog. For any query feel free to ask in comment section.

How to get Current month name,date and year in android

This example shows how to get / Display the current month, date and year from calendar. To acomplish this I have used Calender.getInstance() method of Calender class. let's see the code example:   protected void onCreate(Bundl...

Network provider and GPS provider working together, need to separate the both based on available providers

I am trying to develop an android application that gets the device latitude and longitude using GPS or Network providers, whichever is available for the process. The code works perfectly fine when the device's GPS is on but unfortunately it n...

How to share image that was loaded from a remote url?

Hello Nerds, This tutorial is for forwarding/sharing image from one application to other which was loaded from a remote url. Assuming that you have loaded an image from remote url and displayed it in your ImageView. The basic procedure is by taki...

Introduction to Fresco image loading library for Android Application

Hello Nerds, Are you still facing lazy image loading or OutOfMemoryException using Universal image loader, Picasso, Glide or any other library? If Yes, then this tutorial will be very helpful for you. Fresco image loading library provides quick l...

Activity state transition when going from Activity A to B.

Hi we know that life cycle methods of a activity are onCreate() - onStart() - onResume() - onPause() - onStop() - onDestroy(). but what will be the transition of these life cycle methods when going from Activity A to B, below is the example to...

How hashMap internally works in java ?

It’s not wrong to say that HashMap is an implementation of Map interface as it allows value storing in key value pairs. Although unique elements are present in Hashmap, null values and only one null key are allowed. Hashmap basically wor...

Introduction to Collapsing Toolbar

In this Android Video Tutorial, you will learn about how we create a Collapsing toolbar by learning few XML tags. XML tags covered in this tutorial are: CoordinatorLayout, AppBarLayout, CollapsingToolbarLayout and NestedScrollView. You can a...

How can i arrive at the my expected output in my android project?

Hello friends how can i arrive at my expected output in my android project? Currently, I am getting all the output values such as brand,model,type,variant as integers instead of text. Actually i need my result as  RegNo: TN10D5551 B...

Android Intents Video Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn the Intents and its usage in Android Intents are the Activity-launcher and also act as a message carrier. Intents is very much helpful in performing various functions that make use of other application like came...

How to refresh your list when you swipe down at the top / use of SwipeRefreshLayout

Sometime we need to refresh our list when we swipe down at top of our list so this feature is attained with the help of Swipe Refresh Layout. Here I am showing the list with the help of recyclerView, so we need to add SwipeRefreshLayout tag in ou...

How to make use of RecyclerView to show the chats between two people in your app?

If your app wants to show the chats between you n your friend then you can make use of RecyclerView. Here in the layout that is being inflated in RecylerView, I have used the visibility concept that the layout consists of two major layouts one...

How to use WebView in Android?

This tutorial describes how to integrate WebView in Android. A Webview is the UI element which is use to load webpage inside the application.   For any queries feel free to post comment.

How to set your camera to a particular location in yor google map in android app?

If you wish to show a particular location on google map in your android app, this can be done by using the following code in the activity where you have implemented the map :- public class LTJMapActivity extends FragmentActivity implements O...

How to inflate two layouts in a single RecyclerView?

Sometimes we need to show the list with different views so for this we can inflate two layouts in RecyclerView. To know how it is achieved follow the steps mentioned below:-  Create two layouts xml files I have named them "program...

How to initiate Skype call through your android app

To initiate a skype call through your android app please add the code mentioned below :- The third line Uri skypeUri = Uri.parse("skype:" + number + "?call");  in the code below helps you to make call but  if you need vi...

ListView is not getting displayed on selecting an item from spinner. What to do?

I am creating two spinners: One for City and the other for Area in that particular city. As per the selection made by the user in the above spinners, a ListView will be displayed which will be different for different combinations of selections ma...

What's the best resource and format for notification sounds in an app?

Hi all, I am working on notification sound in android can anyone suggest me the best resource and format for the same.

Sending parameters using GET request RETROFIT

Sending the parameters in GET request is quite different you can't append dynamic query to the URL . Another way of using it. Using retrofit as follows: Map<String...

Android Help

Hello Friends,I m developing an android app based on Gym Management System Well I have complete the CURD part coding now I only want attendance and fees remainder coding section please Help me out guys or guide me 

How to share image with text on Facebook using intent filter in Android..?

Hello, I want to share the image and text on facebook using intent filter not with facebook sdk. Is there any way to do this..? Thanks in advance  

Create a Radar view in android

Hello All, Looking to create a view like radar in android. Step 1:- Find the java file along this blog and add it to your project. Step 2: In your xml use this class to create view. <com.example.RadarView android:id="@+i...

How to create Contextual action mode over toolbar using recycler view in android?

While creating list on a recycler view we need more functionality like delete, copy and more. Like our popular apps what's app, gmail and hike we found toolbar in action mode if we long press list items on that, same UI with functionality we ...

How to open hyperlink text in webview/browser in a android app

Suppose in out text/paragraph of textview, some words are clickable or hyperlinked. In case you have a task to open those hyperlinked text in a webview of any browser you have to use SpannableStringBuilder. Below code with details will help you t...

justify text in android using webview

Android does not support justification of text,but we can achieve this using loading the text in WebView. String youtContentStr = String.valueOf(Html .fromHtml("<![CDATA[<body style=\"text-align:justify;color:#222222; \">" ...

Android Pie chart example using MpAndroidChart Library

Step1: Adding MpAndroidChart android library into project dependencies { compile 'com.github.PhilJay:MPAndroidChart:v2.1.6' } repositories { maven { url "" } } Step2: Pie Chart layout in your xml...

Countdown timer in listview android

How to add the countdown timer in the custom listview..?

Debugging local databases and Preferences.

When you need to debug database  and shared prefrences in an android application, it is difficult to debug it. Android Debug makes it easy to debug the databases Add this to app’s build.gradle- debugCompi...

Button not showing in android app

Hello I have created six buttons in an app in android studio inside the Relative Layout. The buttons show OK in the preview mode of android studio but they second last one does not show when I install my app to test on a phone or an emulator. Wha...

How to update/refresh device gallery after adding new images

In some of the devices while uploading/adding new image into media are not shown to the custom gallery view. However this does not seem to update until the device reboots. To update your custom gallery with new images, below few lines of code wil...

Has anybody used Google Song Recognition for their App?

 I'm working on an App which recognizes a song and draws similar song recommendations from Echo Nest. I want to know if Google Song Recognition is any good and how easy/hard it is to implement.

I failed to customize array adapter

Problem facing in customization of array adapter I am want to 1) fetch data from a SQL server 2008 2) display fetched data into a list view. After successfully I tried to display data with a listview, I fetched two column data that&...

What can you do if your app content rating is overridden for a particular country?

In developer console it showing me "Your app has been refused classification by Google Play in South Korea". It means my app is "unrated" and is blocked in certain countries or for specific list of users. What should i do t...

ImgView should change Background by clicking Img Button

hello i have 1 img view and 3 imgbutton i want to set the img view background as same as img button click means imgbutton 1 click the image view should get img button1 background

Save image taken from device memory to a specific folder in Android

Step1: Permssion needed to save image. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> Step2: Saving image to the particular directory with new name as given by the user. This will make a seperate direct...

How to seamlessly enable location/gps without redirected to the location service window

Most of the apps requires the user to manually enable the gps setting which causes confusion with the user as they are redirected to the location services window outside the app. The below code will help you to seamlessly enable location/gps with...

Videoplayer widget libraries on Github that you have used?

Hello!!! I have found a problem to create the required video player. Anyone please suggest any nice video player widget library on github that you have used. Please help!!!

How to delete sms in system database

I'm working on a project in which all incoming from one service center (may have multiple hotlines). All messages will display in my app. User can swipe to delete each message or multi-select messages to delete. I can't delete th...

How to detect object on image or camera on android?

Find object/marker also give distance from camera to  using android and OpenCV Image 1:   Image 2:

I can get Internet Connection, However I cannot download APK File (Kitkat and Lollipop)

I have problem related on internet connection in Android x-86 version 5.1 (Lollipop) and version 4.4 (Kitkat). I run that android emulators on VM-ware. I used bridged connection. I use android-x86-4.4-r5.iso for Kitkat and android-x86-5.1-rc.i...

Guest Account in Remix OS cannot Get Internet Connection

I use my administrator account, I can access internet both my android applications and web browser (Chrome). But when I change to be a guest account in Remix OS, I cannot get any internet connectivity. I installed Remix OS on VM-ware.&nbs...

How to display openweather map data separately in Android?

I am using API for displaying current weather for a place user type. My application displayed it However, it is not flexible as it is displaying all different details such as weather description, latitude, longitude, Wind Speed...

Using handlers in android.

Brief Introduction In Android apps there are scenario  where we need to communicate the thread with our UI .Like downloading image from server and communicating to UI thread that downloading is completed or it is interrupted. Hand...

Location Setting API Android

This blog is about how to show Popup for enable Location setting. 1. Add below dependency to app gradle file. compile '' 2. Implement GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks, GoogleApiClient.OnConn...

How to avoid adding emoticons in android edittext

If you don't want to allow users to add emoji in edittext then below few lines will be helpfull for you. This method will return blank string while typing any similies/emoji in your editext. public static InputFilter EMOJI_FILTER = new I...

How to play Youtube video in your android app

In previous posts we discussed about how to generate  youtube video thumb and video_id. Now we are going to implement how to play videos in your android app by going through below easy steps. Step1: First adding YouTubeAndroidPlayerApi li...

How to generate video id from youtube video url in android

If you are using YouTubePlayer in your android app and wants to play youtube video on that, so first we need a youtube video url. From that url we can get a video id(11 alphanumeric character set). In below example we are going to generate a vide...
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