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Jquery serialize function.

Hello Readers , jQuery serialize() method is used to create a text string in standard URL-encoded notation. It is used in form controls like input, textarea, select etc. It serializes the form values in such a way so that its serialize...

How to use addClass() in jquery

The addclass() method is used to add one or more class name to the selected element. This method is used only to add one or more class names to the class attributes not to remove the existing class attributes. Syntax : $(selector).addCla...

Jquery append()

The jQuery append() method is used to insert specified content at the end of the selected elements in the jQuery collection. Syntax : $(selector).append(content, function(index, html)) Example : <!DOCTYPE html> <html&g...

How to use jquery attr()

The jQuery attr() method is used to set or return attributes and values of the selected elements. Syntax : $(selector).attr(attribute) Example: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="https://ajax....

JQuery - eq( index ) Method

JQuery have DOM filter methods which we can use to filter out elements from a list of DOM elements. It provides DOM traversal methods to help us select elements in a document randomly as well as in sequential method. DOM Traversal Methods...

How to use Event binding on dynamically created elements in JQuery

Hello Guys In JQuery, Events trigger a JQuery function to an event handler for the selected elements in the Html page. Currently we are using jQuery 1.7, So you should use jQuery.function.on() as below : $(staticAncestors).on(eventName,...

What is mouse enter event in Jquery

Hello Friends, Here I am discussing about mouse enter event in jquery. Mouseenter can call a specific action when your mouse cursor enter in a specific html entity like button,specific div id, class etc. In the below example we are hiding sp...

Jquery ajax post example with PHP

Hello Readers , If you want to post the form but do not want to refresh the browser then the best approach to follow by using AJAX call . Following is the HTML and Jquery code. HTML: <form id="foo"> <label for="bar">A...

jQuery clone() Method

The clone() method is used to make clone of the elements that are matching to the selected elements and select the clones. It basically makes copies of the selected DOM element to some other place in the DOM. Syntax: selector.clone() ...

How to integrate time zone in jquery calender

Hello Reader's If you are making the html 5 form then you can integrate the user time zone in the date time calender also, Lets see the example below:- first you have to downoad the JS an CSS file from here Now you have to create an html pa...

DOM Element Replacement in jquery

If you want to replace html element with some other element, the jquery replaceWith method can be used. You can replace some specified DOM element with the other html or DOM element. The replaceWith() method is used in this case. Syntax: ...

Slidebar Menu plugin in Jquery

We can create a slidebar menu using jquery slidebar plugin. It is a jQuery plugin that gives a slidebar menu for easily implementing in the web pages. We have to include slidebars.js in our source files. Here is an example that shows how to...

Accordion Menu using jQuery

Accordion Menu are like the dropdown menu with some effects of animation. It has some top menu and dropdown list inside that menu and some other top menu and another dropdown list inside this menu. When we click on the first top menu the dropd...

jQuery :not() selector

JQuerys :not() selector is used to filter in some cases when we have some selectors. It selects all the elements except the elements that matches the selector. for example, If we have some checkboxes. When we select any checkbox the backgroun...

How does caching helps and how to use caching in jQuery?

Hello Readers, In jquery when we use the two or more than two same id's as a selector or elements and operate over jquery event than sometimes effect on its performance due to caching. For Example : $("#mydemo").css("color", "red"); //...

jquery function after() and before()

Hello Readers, We can use .after() and .before() methods for different tasks. If we want to add any other HTML tag or content after or before define HTML tag, then we can use these jquery methods for the same tasks. Example: meth...

Add CSS in html tag using jQuery

Hello Readers, Probably, we need to add css property in HTML tag using jQuery. Here I am describing different kinds of syntax to adding style property using jQuery 1.) If you want to add single css property using jquery, then you...

What is chaining in jQuery?

Hello Readers, In jquery chaining is the technique and most poweful feature. It means we chain the one or more methods or events to one selectors or elemnts. Because of this it short the code level as well as its performance (means it gives...

jQuery add() Method

Hello Readers, We use add() method to add elements with a existing group of elements or selectors. Syntax: selector.add(selector) Parameters Please find the following description of all the parameters used by this add met...

How to pass a variable in jQuery from PHP

Hello Reader's! If you want to send variables from PHP to jQuery then you have to use the selectors:- Lets's see the example below:- This you have to put in the bottom of php page with the selector is "input[type=checkbox]" $("input[typ...

custom side bar with the help of jquery

Hello Readers In this article I will guide you how to create custom side bar with the help of jquery. Here is the HTML <section id="slideBox" class="open"> <nav id="menu"> <ul> ...

Jquery callback function

Hello Readers, In jQuery, It is a function which is passed as an argument to another function and it is executed when/after it's parent function has been completed. Callbacks are some special jQuery function because it patiently wa...

Difference between $document.ready() and $window.load() in jQuery

Hello Readers, Usually, we use the jQuery in our web project as per the requirement. We start the jQuery syntax as $(document).ready() OR $(window).load() function. Here I will describe the difference between $(document).ready() and $(w...

How to redirect html page using jQuery ?

Welcome to findnerd, today we are going to discuss How to redirect html page using jQuery ? In this blog you can see How to redirect html page ? You can simply use the JavaScript "window.location" property to make a page redirect. you c...

How to pass variables and data from PHP to JavaScript ?

Welcome to findnerd, today we are going to discuss How to pass variables and data from PHP to JavaScript. In this blog we demonstrate and describe passing PHP variables containing simple data types to JavaScript. There are actually several ap...

How to use fadeToggle() Method in jQuery ?

Welcome to FindNerd Today we are going to discuss fadeToggle() method in jQuery. Firstly let know what use of fadeToggle() Method ? In fadeToggle() Method if the elements are faded out, fadeToggle() will fade them in and if the elements...

Check username availability on keypress using jquery

Username or email availability or any other types of availability check we can do in this way. When user type on a text box an ajax request has made and check what if its available or not. we only required jquery.js HTML <input type='te...

Upload File using Aajx

Sometime you need to upload the image without refreshing the page , in that case you can upload the image with the help of ajx using FormData Objects . To achieve this lets create a form in HTML to upload the file. <div class="control...

How to use Callback Function in jQuery ?

Welcome to FindNerd, Today we are going to discuss on Callback Function in jQuery. Firstly let know what is the use of Callback Function ? This function is executed after the current effect is finished. In simple way we can say that cal...

How to use stop() method in jQuery ?

Welcome to findnerd, today we are going to discuss on stop() method in jQuery. Firstly let know what is the use of stop() method ? So basicaly stop() method is used for stoping animations or effects before it is finished. syntex of stop(...

How to use slideToggle() Method in jQuery ?

Welcome to findnerd, today we are going to discuss on slideToggle() method in jQuery. Firstly let know what use of slideToggle() method ? The jQuery slideToggle() method toggles between the slideDown() and slideUp() methods. syntex of sl...

How to use prepend() method in jQuery ?

Welcome to findnerd, today we are going to discuss on prepend() method in jQuery. Firstly let know what use of prepend() method ? prepend() method is used for inserting at the beginning of the selected elements in jQuery you can see b...

How to use animate() method in jQuery ?

Welcome to findnerd, today we are going to discuss on prepend() method in jQuery. Firstlt let know what use of prepend() method So, basically animate() method is used to creating custom animations. Syntex of animate() method $(selector)...

How to use append() method in jQuery ?

Welcome to findnerd, today we are going to discuss on append() method in jQuery. Firstly let know what use of append() method Append() method is used for inserting at the end of the selected elements in jQuery you can see bellow example h...

How to use toggle() method in jQuery ?

Welcome to findnerd, today we are going to discuss on toggle() method in jQuery. Firstly let know what use of toggle() method In the toggle() method, you can toggle between the hide() and show() methods in jQuery. So we can say that toggle()...

How to use hide() and show() methods in jQuery ?

Welcome to findnerd Today we are going to discuss hide() method and show() method in jQuery firstly, let start hide() method hide() method is used for hiding data with HTML elements Syntex of hide() $(selector).hide(); And now abou...

How to add and remove a class on click event

hii, Today i am sharing a blog on How to add and remove a class on click event in javascript. First of all you need to either download few plugins or just copy and paste the below link inside head tag. <script src="

How to open another page with button click in jQuery?

Sometimes we need to open another page on button click. We can do this in tow ways either by using "window.location" or "". Example: In the below example I have put conditions on "blur" event for checking whether the input fiel...

How to implement autocomplete feature with AJAX in jsp?

Sometimes wee need to call an API or action to get matching list with the provide keyword in Search box, for this we usually implemente autocomplete feature to input field for searching purpose by doing AJAX call. Example: In the below example...

Check the broken image link and replace it with alt text in jQuery

Check if image link is broken in page and replace it with the alt text and open the blank page when user click on it $('img').each(function( ) { $( this ).error(function(){ var img_path = $(this).attr...

How to check/uncheck checkbox with jQuery?

Sometimes we need to check/unchecked checkbox based on some condition. We can do this easily by using "checked" attribute of a button. Example: <input type="checkbox" id="addressCheckBox" class="form-control"> <label>I confir...

How to apply autocomplete feature to textbox with jQuery?

Sometimes we need to implement autocomplete feature to input field for searching purpose. We can do this by using "autocomplete()" with jQuery. Example: In the below example I have created an array of country names and passed that as source to...

Custom select box

Hello Friends, If you are looking to create a custom select box, you can use below HTML and CSS code I have provided. Below an example of custom select box. HTML - <div class="wrapper"> <input id="textfield" type="te...

What is a CDN in jquery?

Hello Readers, CDN is a content delivery network or we also call it as content distribution network, its basically a large distributed system of servers which deployed in multiple data centers across the internet. Goal of CDN: Serve co...

jQuery.noConflict in jquery

Hello Readers, jquery.noConflict is the jquery function (jquery is the client side library) when we use the jquery.noConflict function in jquery it removes the conflict between different jquery libraries like Mootools, Prototype etc. they also...

How to implement validation for empty input field with jQuery?

Whenever we create a form, we always have a requirement to put validation for empty fields on some input fields. We usually implement this functionality by putting checks on "blur" and onFocus events of the input field. Example: In the below e...

How to apply validation on checkbox with jQuery?

Sometimes we need to check whether a checkbox is checked or not. We can do this easily by using "checked" attribute of a checkbox. Example: In the below I have created a function validateCheckBox() that checks whether a checkbox is checked or ...

How to upload image using simle Jquery and HTML5

Hello Reader's! If you are developing the html5 based ajax image uploader then you can look this jquery as the best and easy to use. Lets see how to upload images 1) include two JS file <script src="jslibs/jquery.js" type="text/javascri...

How to use password strength indicator on slider?

In this example, we used a variable named score to calculate the strength of password. If password contain 6 chars the score increases with 10 points, if it has at least one digit 10 points, has at least one ASCII symbol (!@#$%^&*) 10, mix...

How to implemente confirm password functionality with jQuery?

At the time of registration or change password we need to provide password, so for this we usually implement Confirm password functionality. Example: In the below example I want to confirm password on form submit, so for this I have created a ...
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