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Delete object from Parse table in iOS.

If you want to delete an object from Parse DB then you have to run a query to fetch that object and then run a loop to delete it. If you already have that object then just call delete method. Here is the complete code. PFQuery *query = [PFQuer...

Get thumbnail image from a recorded video in iOS

If you want to get thumbnail image from the recorded video in iOS then you can cut a small frame from that video to generate an image. You just need to send video output URL to below method as a parameter. This method willl return you NSData. Lat...

Property List of MPMoviePlayerController for iOS

There are several properties available for MPMoviePlayerController in iOS. We just need to use them to play the movie according to our need. You can access these properties like this:- Create property in .h file @property (strong, n...

Create a PIe Chart in iOS

The main use of a pie chart is to show comparison. When items are presented on a pie chart, you can easily see which item is the most popular and which is the least popular. you can create the pie chart in iOS by using the following methods...

How to use NSMutableAttributedString

Hello Friends, NSMutableAttributedString allows to set different attributes(font size,font color) for different parts of the string. To use NSMutableString you may use the following code: //Create an object of NSMutableAttrinbuteString and ass...

To call and send parameters to java Script function from Objective C

To call javascript function write the following lines : NSString *getStringvalue=[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"getName()]; Where getName() is a JavaScript function which return a String value. and to send Objective C...

test if an NSString is empty in Objective C

You can check if( [empName length]==0 || [[empName stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]] length]==0) this will return 1 else 0 NSString *empName; if ([empName length]==0 || [[empName stringByTrimmingCharac...

Check for the iPhone Models

To know On which hardware iOS is ruining like iPhone4 , iPhone5 etc below is the code for that #import <sys/utsname.h> -(NSString*) deviceName { struct utsname systemInfo; uname(&systemInfo); r...

Audio Playing while App is in Background Mode

In order to continue your audio running while the app is in Background mode(like in the case of live Streaming), we just have to add this line in our AppDelegate method application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: [[AVAudioSession sharedInstanc...

TableView in Swift

To create a tableView in swift please follow following steps: Step 1: Add a tableView in viewController. Step 2: set the dataSource and delegate Step 3: Create a prototype cell Step 4: Change the class of prototypecell to "TableView...

How to implement the Auto Layout Contraint through Code

Hi Readers, This Post is just a brief introduction about How we can implement Autolayout Contraints through coding. Now,Before moving ahead with the topic let us have a brief about AutoLayout. WHAT IS AUTOLAYOUT...?? Auto Layout is a ...

NSTimer in IPhone SDK

Here is the code for: calling a method after a time interval delay. we use the NSTimer to implement this. NSTimer *timer= [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:3.0 target:self ...

Find the country of the user

To find out the country of the user please use the code below: 1- Add the coreLocation Framework to your project and import #import <corelocation corelocation.h=""> 2- Set the CLLocationManagerDelegate as UIViewController @interface...

Check Wifi Network reachability in Swift

In Swift if you want to check the Wifi connection in your device then use following code. This is a function which returns Reachability instance (reachability class object) value as a returnvalue for wifi connection availability. + (instan...

Search a location in ios SDK

if you want to search a particular location using the google api so you can use this . Step 1: Get the serverKey From the and write the server key as below. Step 2: #define kGOOGLE_SERVER_KEY @"dsjfdsuiodfd...

Fetch Parse PFUser data in iOS

If you are querying on Parse User class and not getting the user data of custom columns then use below code. PFQuery *query= [PFUser query]; [query whereKey:@"username" equalTo:[[PFUser currentUser]username]]; [query getFirstObjectIn...

UIAlertController as an action sheet in iOS8 and above.

Now you can use UIAlertController as an actionsheet in iOS 8 and above versions. Here is an example of it:- UIAlertController * view= [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:@"Sample" ...

How to use UIAlertController for iOS8 and above.

Apple has deprecated UIAlertView in iOS 8 and above. Now they have introduce UIAlertController, below are the examples. AlertView without buttons:- UIAlertController * alert= [UIAlertController alertContro...


Bitcode refers to an intermediate representation of a compiled program. The installation of iOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps by tailoring app delivery to the capabilities of the users particular device. Apple called this optimization,"app thinning". ...

How to check Push Notification enabled in iOS

For your iOS application if you want to check Push Notification status then you can check it by using the below code:- in iOS 7 UIRemoteNotificationType types = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] enabledRemoteNotificationTypes]; if (types ...

Add a thin line to UITextField in iOS

For textfield we use attributes to give outlines to it or some times we place image view behind every textfield for its outline. We can instead use CALayer for it. I am setting an upper outline to a textfield, here is the code:- CALayer *upper...

How to create a custom UITableViewCell separator in iOS

In UITableView every UITableViewCell contains a separator line by default. If you need to create your own custom separator line then use below code inside cellForRowAtIndexPath method. UIView* separatorLineView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:...

How to create a custom back button in iOS

Some times we need to create a custom back button for Navigation Bar in iOS. If you want to create an easy navigational back button instead of creating a view and add that view in navigation bar then use below code to achieve it. UIButton *bac...

Hide Status bar in iOS

In iOS apps when we need to hide control center appears in iPhone device on swipe up gesture or forced to hide UIStatusBar then use below code. Write below lines in your viewDidLoad method. if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(setNeedsSta...

How to check BOOL value of Parse Object in iOS

If you are a beginner in Parse SDK and integrating it for the first time then you may face this little hurdle. While fetching Boolean data from Parse DB we get BOOL value in NSNumber format and we can not check or compare it directly with iOS bo...

Custom message for Location permission alert in iOS

If you are using Location Manager to get user's current location then you have ask Location Permission first. iOS provides you access to user's location if user accepts it. Here is the code :- Below code will return you location manager object...

Check a string with special characters in ios

If you want to check any NSString containing special characters then check this out. -(BOOL)specialCharacter:(NSString*)username{ NSCharacterSet *invalidCharSet = [[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU...

Email Validation in iOS

While creating any Login or Registration UI in iOS we ask user to enter their email id. To avoid wrong data entry we can validate entered data by using a simple validation method. Below method will return you a BOOL value. Here it is:- -(BOOL...

How to use predicate in ios

In iOS we can use Predicates in order to get fast response. Mostly iOS developers use Predicates in search functionality to filter it as user types in search bar textfield. Let suppose you have an array named as youDataArray which contains s...

How to take a screenshot of an iPhone screen in iOS

Some times we don't get a correct screenshot of an iOS device. Specially when we apply some transform or animation. If you are applying affine transform or 3dTransform to an object and hoping for a perfect screenshot with same transform value the...

How to save image in to gallery in iOS

If you want to save any UIImage to iPhone or iPad gallery, just use below code to achieve it. These lines of code will write image file to your gallery. You just have to pass UIImage as param to it. UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(yourUIImage,...

Reset any transform in iOS

In iOS when we apply transform methods to any UIView element like UIIMageView, UIView and all those UI Elements which inherits UIView properties. After applying transform to these views they get change and holds new transform values. In that case...

How to get device token in iOS

For iOS push notification services functionality we need a device token (a unique device id generated by device OS for Push Messages communications) on which we can receive push notification messages. To generate the device token we have to add U...

How to get iOS device type and version

If you need login device type, model and version of an iOS device, then use below code. You'll have to import below file first then:- // #import `<`sys/utsname.h> NSString* deviceName() { struct utsname systemInfo; uname...

Facebook Login in Parse

Parse provides simple Facebook login where it saves Access Token and limited user info. Inside your viewcontroller where you have implemented PFLogInViewControllerDelegate, PFSignUpViewControllerDelegate delegates just call Facebook request as m...

Simple way to change status bar

If you need to change the color or appearance of the Status Bar of iOS then follow simple steps. in your code file where you had created or initialized UINavigationController just write few line of code there. Find similar line as mentioned...

How to add a Podfile in your Project

Below is the step-wise process for integrating a Podfile easily in your Application. Open Terminal Change the directory in Terminal to the location where your Xcode project resides. When you reach to the desired project location in which ...

How to upload image in Specific folder of your application iOS

Here is the code for UIImagePickerController Delegate. In this Code when we select an image from UIImagePickerController then we call this delegate function which upload the selected image to your local application folder. You have to first find ...

How to create ANE file for In app purchase for iOS

Hi Readers, This is the video blog where you can find how you can create ANE file for In-App purchase for iOS framework. I have used MAC machine to create it. Requirements: Download ANE-In-App-purchase from GitHub. Download Air SDK C...

Send Push Notification with Custom Data to iPhone device from Java Server Side

This blog will help you to send Push Notifications with Custom data to iPhone devices from server side where server side code is written in Java. Follow the below code in order to send Push Notification: Define the below dependency in your...

Set date of a Date Picker in Objective C

In objective C, UIDatePicker is the best way to display date and time options. We can set date of our choice in a Date picker. Also we can set minimum and maximum date. Here I am creating UIDatePicker first. UIDatePicker *pickerDate...

Reverse an array in Objective C

If you want to reverse an existing array in objc, you can do it this way. - (NSMutableArray*)reverseArray { if ([self.assetsArray count] == 0) return; NSUInteger i = 0; NSUInteger j = [self.assetsArray count] - 1; ...

Redirect to app settings in iPhone

If you want to redirect to app settings from your app then use below code to do it. Apple provides a list of URLs to redirect the app to its setting section. Here is the code :- In a Swift Program:- UIApplication.sharedApplication().ope...

Zoom in an UIImageView using 3D transform in objc

If you are looking for a function to Zoom in an UIImageView in a 3D tranform scale then you should use CATransform3DScale. First of all declare a BOOL variable to check scale points. Here I am taking CGFloat _scalePoints and CATransform3D tr...

UIButton width according to Title text.

We can increase or set width of a UIButton according to button title test. To set the width of a UIButton use CGSize. Here is the code :- CGSize stringsize = [yourButton.titleLabel.text sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:17]]; [yourButto...

How to convert NSData to NSString or vice versa in Objective C and Swift

Hi Readers! In this blog you can find both versions (Obj C & Swift) for converting NSData to NSString or vice-versa. Objective C NSString * str = @"Hello"; NSData * data =[str dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSLog(@"Data = ...

DropBox Login Integration Using iOS SDK

Download the DropBox SDK from the add this sdk to Your project and also add some other Frameworks. 1. Foundation.framework 2. UIKit.framework 3. CoreGraphics.framework 4. QuartzCore.fra...

Fetch profile pic from Facebook

For some reasons Facebook doesnt provide profile picture with user info dictionary/data. We need to fetch profile pic using graph api. Once user is done with successful authentication he can use following snippet to get profile picture URL. ...

How to integrate PAYPAL for future payment

Hello Readers To integrate PayPal in an ios application for future payment , the following steps need to be followed: Step 1: Download the PayPal ios sdk from the link given below: [][1] Step 2 : ...

How to get Common Values from two Arrays

This is a simple method to compare two arrays and get all the common objects from these arrays. Take two arrays(say firstArray & secondArray) NSMutableSet* arraySet1 = [NSMutableSet setWithArray:firstArray]; //create NSMutableSet for f...
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